About Us
Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church is a large and growing congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) who gather from across the Philadelphia region. We are a community of seekers, disciples, doubters, and believers. Some of us are life-long Presbyterians, while some come from other churches or faith traditions, or no faith tradition at all. We are an Open and Affirming congregation, inviting all people to witness to the reconciling love of God in Jesus Christ.
Our campus is a place to gather, learn, serve, and grow as disciples.
We’re confident you’ll find a way to experience and share God’s love at BMPC. Come join us!
Our Mission Statement
We are a community of faith, challenged, strengthened and transformed by the God who is revealed to us in Christ. We...
- welcome all who would follow Christ
- prefer truth to complacency
- strive to connect faith and life
- serve and leaven the church, community, and wider world through compassionate and empowering ministries.
BMPC at a Glance
- One Pastor/Head of Staff; four associate pastors; a congregation with over 2,000 members.
- We welcome all to experience God’s love; through our outreach and service, our commitment to justice work, and our liturgy and worship.
- Organized in 1873. Celebrated 125 years by creating an Urban/Suburban Partnership with West Philadelphia churches.
- Strong commitment to outreach and mission evidenced by an annual commitment of more than $1 million to benevolences.
- Adult education classes to encourage theological inquiry, moral discourse, and discussion of contemporary issues facing the church and society.
- Internationally recognized adult choir (Sanctuary Choir). Handbell choirs, youth and children’s choirs, concert series, Bryn Mawr Chamber Singers , Singing for Life (for senior adults), and art exhibits.
- Children and Family Ministry (birth–Grade 5) that includes nursery care, Sunday School classes beginning at age 2, Worship Together Sundays, family programming, summer Vacation Bible Camp, and Weekday Preschool classes.
- Dynamic year-round program for youth (Grades 6-12) including summer camp and mission/work trips.
- Caregiving programs offered by our Caring Ministries.
For more information, contact Jennifer McArthur.