Pondering these Words
8:30 p.m. bulletin
Invitatory Carol:
What Sweeter Music
Text & Music: John Rutter, 1988.
Text & Music: ©1988 Oxford University Press.
Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-716211.
All rights reserved.
Choir Carol (after Jesus is born in Bethlehem)
Text: ©2022 Euan Tait.
Music: Kim André Arnesen, 2023.
Music: ©2023 Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers, Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Choir Carol (after The Angels Appear to the Shepherds)
Text: ©2023 Charles Anthony Silvestri.
Music: Kim André Arnesen, 2023.
Music: ©2023 Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers, Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Choir Carol (after God Our Savior Appeared)
Sleeps Judea Fair
Text & Music: Hugh A. MacKinnon, 1924.
Text & Music: ©1924, ren. 1952, The H. W. Gray Co.
(admin. Warner Bros. Music Publications U.S., Inc.)
Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-716211.
All rights reserved.
Offertory Anthem
The Holly and the Ivy
Text: H. Wadsworth Birmingham, c. 1814.
Music: arr. John Rutter, 1979.
Music: ©1979 Oxford University Press.
All rights reserved.
Choir Carol
I will light candles this Christmas
Text: ©1973 Howard Thurman (pub. By Friends United Press, reprint 2011).
Music: Kim André Arnesen, 2018.
Music: ©2018 Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers, Ltd.