
This Time, This Place

This coming Sunday, June 10, you will have opportunity to learn about a very exciting and important initiative that has been years in the making. This Time, This Place: The Campaign for Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church is being launched after worship during our annual Sundae Sunday celebration at the beginning of summer. In addition to fellowship and ice cream on the lawn after the 10:00 a.m. worship service, everyone will be invited to tour the Education Building and see an amazing video introduction of This Time, This Place.

Exactly four years ago, in June 2014, the Session appointed the Property Vision Team to assess the use, maintenance and management of our church campus. That group of Elders, Trustees and Property Committee members began by affirming the core values of the congregation: inspirational worship, strong Christian formation for all ages, deep commitment to mission, and pastoral care for the whole church. This group spent two years studying the church buildings and how they best serve our ministries by their use, accessibility, maintenance, and sense of hospitality. They asked good questions and engaged many in conversation about the vision of the church and how our facilities help us live into that vision as a welcoming community of faith deeply engaged in mission and outreach.

The work of the Property Vision Team was affirmed by the Trustees and Session which adopted their recommendations that we prioritize the renovation of the Education Building which serves as a key portal for families with young children and is most in need of revitalization, and then make improvements to portions of the Ministries Center to improve access, expand common meeting space, and improve meeting rooms.

Now we are ready to share more about this initiative with the whole congregation! So plan to stay after worship this Sunday, enjoy some ice cream and fellowship, and take some time to see emerging plans inside the Education Building. It will be a great way to kick off this summer season by imagining together how our church can be more accessible, more hospitable and enhanced to meet our ministry and missional needs for now and in the years to come. See you Sunday!